A Personal Injury Attorney Can Help With Jones Act Injuries
The Jones Act is a part of the Merchant Marine Act of 1920, which deals with the treatment of American merchant marines. The Jones Act is a general law that regulates maritime commerce. It requires that goods that are shipped between U.S. ports must be transported by ships that are owned and operated by U.S. citizens.
The Jones Act was initially designed to benefit the citizens of the State of Washington and to give them an advantage in the shipping industry, especially for shipping goods to Alaska. However, it has stipulations in it that are also designed to protect those who work in the maritime industry. If you or a loved one have been injured in the course of maritime duty, it’s time to learn about how a personal injury attorney can help with Jones Act inquiries.
How the Jones Act Can Protect You
Those who work in maritime settings are not protected by the usual types of insurance that employers have on land. However, they are protected by the Jones Act. On land, workers’ compensation insurance prevents workers from suing their employers when they are injured, but it does provide some compensation benefits for those employees when they’re hurt at work. Most land-based employers carry some type of workers’ compensation program.
The Jones Act, however, is different. The Jones Act allows a worker who was injured on the job to file a lawsuit directly with their employer. However, compensation can only be collected if it can be shown that the employer was somehow at fault and that this caused the injury to happen. The employer can be at fault if the worker received incomplete or improper training, if the acts of a co-worker led to the injury, or if the workplace itself was unsafe.
Comparative Fault
The Jones Act operates on the idea of comparative fault. This means that, if the maritime company can show that the worker was partly responsible for the injury that occurred to him, the amount of compensation can be reduced by a percentage that he was found to be responsible for the loss as well. Generally, maritime injuries tend to be serious, and large amounts of compensation are involved. This is why it’s crucial to hire a Jones Act personal injury attorney, especially if you’ve been hurt while working at sea.
Working at sea is often a dangerous occupation. A good Jones Act injury attorney will understand the maritime laws that can protect you if you’ve been hurt, and will help to show that the company is at least partly responsible for your injuries. That’s why it’s important to call this type of attorney as soon as you are injured.
Call to Schedule a Free Consultation With a Jones Act Attorney in Texas Today
If you’ve been hurt while working at sea, call to schedule a free consultation with a Jones Act attorney in Texas today. The legal professionals at the Lassiter Law Firm will thoroughly evaluate your case to find the sources of your maritime company’s negligence so that you can recover the maximum amount of compensation. We have a high level of understanding of all angles of cases that apply under the Jones Act, and your case will be in good hands. You should make this call as soon as you have been injured, and not try to go this alone. We can offer you peace of mind at a time when you need firm answers as to what you will receive for compensation as a result of an injury while working for your employer at sea. We serve the Houston, Texas area and can be reached at 713-521-0104. Give us a call and let us give you legal representation that truly meets your needs.