Talk Powder Injuries in Houston, TX

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How a Texas Johnson & Johnson Talc Powder Injury Lawyer Can Help You

If you’ve ever watched late night television, you’ve probably seen the commercials for lawyers who offer help for those who have developed ovarian cancer, after using Johnson & Johnson talcum powder. Johnson & Johnson is a large, multinational pharmaceutical and medical device company, with revenues of billions of dollars received from the sales of their projects over the years. However, it has been sued more than 13,000 times in talcum powder injury lawsuits, with some of the suits resulting in multi-million dollar verdicts.

Currently, Johnson & Johnson and its corporate lawyers are defending hundreds of these lawsuits throughout the United States. The lawsuits are about clients who developed ovarian cancer after using Johnson & Johnson talcum powder, and the claim is that the company was aware that the talc powder contained dangerous ingredients but continued to market it to unsuspecting women anyway. If you’ve developed ovarian cancer after using Johnson & Johnson talc powder, it’s important to learn how a Johnson & Johnson talc powder injury lawyer can help you.

What is Talcum Powder?

Talcum powder is a product that is used for hygiene purposes, because it absorbs moisture and oil and helps keep skin dry. It is made from talc, which is composed of silicate, magnesium and oxygen. It is often used as a baby powder or for cosmetic purposes or feminine hygiene. As early as the 1960s, some studies have indicated that when talc is used for feminine hygiene, talc particles can travel from the exterior genitals to the ovaries. In 1882, it was also shown by a Harvard epidemiologist that the use of talcum powder increased the risk of developing ovarian cancer.

It has been shown in various subsequent studies that using talcum powder in the genital area does increase the risk of developing ovarian cancer from only 2% to 33%. This would mean that almost one in every three women who used talc powder would eventually develop ovarian cancer.

Why There Have Been Lawsuits

The issue in the Johnson & Johnson lawsuits is that it was eventually discovered that their talcum powder contained traces of asbestos. In 1971, internal memos from Johnson & Johnson showed that the talc powder was contaminated with it. In spite of this, Johnson & Johnson continued to market and sell the product to the public. It has been claimed that the company knew for decades that its products were contaminated, but continued to sell them anyway. The lawsuits, many of which delivered large amounts of compensation, concluded that this knowledge was buried to continue making profits.

Call to Schedule a Free Consultation With a Johnson & Johnson Talc Powder Injury Lawyer in Texas Today

If you have used Johnson & Johnson talc powder and later developed ovarian cancer, call to schedule a free consultation with a Johnson & Johnson talc powder injury lawyer in Texas today. The expert legal staff at the Lassiter Law Firm understand the Johnson & Johnson litigation and are equipped to thoroughly evaluate your case and win you the compensation to which you are entitled. If you have been a frequent user of Johnson & Johnson talcum powder, you will want to call us right away. You deserve justice when a company’s unethical behavior hurts you. We serve the Houston, Texas area and can be reached at 713-521-0104. Give us a call and let us be your legal advocates.