Industrial Accident Attorney in Houston, TX

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Houston Personal Injury Lawyers

Get the Compensation You Deserve

When you have been injured on the job because of negligence or because of defective machinery or equipment, you may be able to recover compensation from a third-party supplier to the company. If your employer does not carry workers’ compensation insurance, the employer’s business insurance may cover your medical expenses and lost wages.

Tell us about your industrial accident.

  • When you have been hurt because of someone else’s negligence, you need help with medical bills, job retraining, lost pay and money for your pain and suffering.
  • At many companies, workers’ compensation will pay your medical bills and compensate you for lost wages. If workers’ compensation is not available, there may be other options that can help you through this.
  • If you are a contract worker and your injuries are due to a plant defect or negligence, we can investigate to determine if you have a claim against the company.
  • If a subcontractor causes a dangerous hazard such as boxes of bolts or tools falling on workers, hazardous temporary wiring or improper harnesses for workers in high places, you may have an injury claim.
  • Were you injured by dangerous equipment? Did a conveyor belt have improper safeguards? Did a scaffold or ladder fail and cause you to fall? Did a crane accident or forklift accident occur? You may have a products liability claim against the manufacturer.
  • No matter how you were injured—a refinery explosion, chemical burns/exposure at an oil refinery or chemical plant, a burn injury from electrical wiring or a fire, defective machinery—a Houston Lawyer at the Lassiter Law Firm wants to hear about it. If there is a way to compensate you for your injuries, we have the experience to find it and to hold the responsible parties accountable.

If you have been injured in an industrial accident, or if a family member has suffered a wrongful death in a work accident, the Lassiter Law Firm is here to help you. We work for our clients—and we work hard.